Saturday, July 18, 2009

Soo Lazy and Bored!

Hey! I know its been a while but I haven't been in the mood to blog. I've been pretty lonely but I'm dealing with it. But starting tomarrow and untill friday or saturday I'll be watching my three cousins. The oldest is 8. She worships the ground I walk on and she is the only girl cousin that I have. And I love he the most. The oldest boy just turned 7 yesturday, and the youngest is 3. He's the baby. And he is sooo cute. And tomarrow I get to go swimming at my cousins 7th birthday party! YAY swimming!!!!! I <3>



  1. ahhhh three year olds are just the cutest heh heh >.<

  2. Yea but by the end of the week i won't think that!

  3. haha XD yeah I guess you're right you'll probably get tired of him.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. XD i love swimming, too :O !!! ARe u on a swim team? or do ya just swim for fun? XD

  6. Arigato for following me blog XD XD
